Apolius update

Continuing on with the second volume of Apolius. The first thing I did was write up as much of the story as I could so that I had plenty of things to work with, and plenty of time to make any corrections or adjustments as I progress the with the art, a benefit of a project that requires a lot of time to produce each page, it allows for space in where I can think of how I can put more into the following pages, both visually and contextually in regards to narrative. Having finished writing up the first Two chapters, I was eager to make a start with the drawings. 
The way I like to work is by thumbnailing each chapter one at a time, while chipping away at each finished page as I put together the rest of the thumbnails that will follow it. I find it can allow more opportunities to reflect and read any theoretical ideas that might inform the overall narrative and character development. These can range from theories on cartooning, to ideas that may elevate things like dialogue, or the comparisons to emotional responses and logical responses.
 At the top of the page is one of the panels from page two. Following the general rule of story telling, I am beginning the story by introducing the character with a notion of his current goal and motivation, which in this case he must find shelter from this ongoing storm. 
Something I wanted to do in particular is to have it the beginning of Vol one, which starts with Bo looking for food and water, but with an implied rise of stakes. Which is one thing that i am trying to put focus on for each volume that follows, the stakes must be higher than the last, to illustrate narrative progression as well as provide opportunities to explore character development brought about by questioning how might my characters respond to each given situation. Will they roll with it, or resist it and how might they respond to it much later after each occurrence has happened, whether it be good or bad. 
As I progress with the project, I'm hoping to find opportunities to explore the theoretical ideas that can inform my  practice and ground them more solidly in my intuitive process by reflecting on each particular element both frequently and thoroughly. Using this space as a platform. 

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