It's Been While!
so, to begin I'd just like to mention that I've been busy with a various number of things, not all related to one another but It all amounts to some degree of progress in my life.
A few weeks ago I got in touch with Gosh! Comics London after talking to one it's core members at the Winchester Comics Fair that happened in October. Showing the value in attending events like these, if not to make money but to network with other people within the comics, small press and self publishing communities. So, after getting in touch with the shop, as of two weeks ago, I now have three copies of my graphic novel, Apolius, on their shelves for sale. Big Win!
Me and a few Fellow graduates from the MA Authorial Illustration Course in Falmouth + one came together to create and anthology zine. We each voted on one particular theme within the encompassing interest of folk tales. The theme we decided on was, Fairies. Which we aimed to complete for the Thought Bubble comic con in Harrogate. We managed to complete it on time and now have this wickedly diverse zine self published under a collective name, Taproom Tapestries.
Cleaning Company Illustrations
Over the last year I have been commissioned to create illustrations for Passmore Cleaning, A company I myself am employed by as a cleaner. I am currently in the roughing out phase of creating the second run of Illustrations for them, so I have been juggling a lot of things around this and trying to find time to work on my Graphic Novel. However it has proved incredibly helpful and given me some insight into the work or editorial Illustration. It certainly highlight the differences between working for oneself and working for someone else within a creative platform and certainly highlights where I'd rather be within the sphere of Illustration. Comics are my one and only, however I probably won't be able to stand by this completely for my whole life. However it does help narrow my pursuits.